Purchases in case I die…

 I’ve been busy shopping today.  So much for trying to be a minimalist.  I bought practical things as shared in early post.  I also bought some things that pull at the heart strings a little.

I decided to purchase three “Mother” journals for my kids.  A journal that ask important questions to share my life the joy and the struggles.   This way if I do die, my kids have something from me and about me.

I also bought a “If I Die” planner.  This is a planner that holds everything from my passwords, my living will, funeral wishes, items I wish to pass on and to whom.  

Yes, it is depressing and sad.  No one wants to buy a planner like that but every adult should.  I think there would be nothing worse than dying and leaving everything for your spouse, or other loved ones to figure out while they are grieving.


  1. I totally agree everyone should do this. When our day to leave this worn out body behind arrives, our families need to know our wishes. When I was serving the churches I saw way too many families in distress with no idea of what the deceased wanted so I got a funeral planner from the funeral home and filled it out in pencil, so as I age, I can change things as needed. I also wrote my obituary (which has been revised a few times) after my husband died and I realized my daughter may not remember all the details of my life before she joined the family. These aren't depressing purchases, they are the sign of a wise woman. Now the challenge is actually taking the time to fill them out.


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