
 As I was driving today I heard the very familiar and pleasant sound of two F16 jets.  I love that sound.  I am a bit biased as my dad was in the Sioux Falls Air National Guard for most of my growing up years.  I remember him fondly of pumping his fist in the air and whooping loudly as they flew over when I was a child.  I tried this once with my own kids.  They were not impressed.

As I listened and watched them fly over me today, I thought about how amazingly blessed I am to be in America with this complex heart defect.  Had I been born in any other country I may not have been so lucky to survive at birth.

I think about all the adults and children who are living in third world and even second world countries who’s only option is basic medical attention and just wait to die.  

I think about the individuals who work tirelessly with groups like “Doctors Without Borders”.  How heartbreaking it must feel knowing they can’t save these children and adults all because of resources.

I am truly blessed.


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