Roller coaster

 Roller coaster of feelings today.  One minute I’m fine and the next I find myself looking for creative ways to get out of doing this.

The appointments went great yesterday.  Negative Covid test so surgery is a go for Monday.  Chat with the Nurse and surgeon was great.  Learned the surgeon I am having (Dr. Dearani) was trained by my surgeon I had two times as a child and he trained my last OHS surgeon.  He is truly one of the best in his field.

Dr. Dearani really took his time explaining the entire process.  I’m on the heart lung machine for a very short period of time (around an hour at most).  They stop the heart only long enough to fix the actual conduit.  Most of the 6 hour surgery is actually getting to the heart.  That made me feel a little better.  I’m bummed that they might have to use porcine (pig) parts but it is what it is.  I’m just happy it will save my life regardless if it’s pig, cow, or synthetic.

Now I just wait.  I hate the waiting.  I hate the roller coaster of emotions.  I hate not having control.

My mom and dad arrived so it’s great to see them and hang out with them until Monday morning.


  1. Oh my heart was warmed that your mom n dad are w you got this Summer you

  2. Summer, when I visualize you facing OHS (again!), I see you as a gunslinger in a sundress. Holster on your hip, eyes fixed on what's in front of you. A posse of the powerful by your side, all staring down the obstacle to your best life. You and this posse are a formidable force. Your family, your surgeon, your medical team, the Mayo staff, your friends and your faith. Your heart beats true and lovingly...and so will it continue. -Amy Phillips


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