Bucket Lists

 I love bucket lists!  I highly recommend everyone doing them.  Keep them and revise them as you get older or if you actually get to cross stuff off because you did them.

What no one tells you though is to start doing the items on them long before you actually need a bucket list because then it’s too late.  I am finding that out.  It is both depressing and humbling at the same time.  Somethings I had on my bucket list that I made many years ago are now out of reach due to time and my current health.  Here are a few of my top ones.

1. Swim free style (no cage) with a Great White.

2.  Cage Diving with a Great White…because really what tourist outfit is going to let you do it without a cage for protection.

3.  Visit India

4.  Visit Africa, go on a Safari and see where Nelson Mandela lived and was in prison.

5.  Try mountain climbing.

These are only 5 on a long list.  I can do zero of them before surgery in January.  I did briefly contemplate going to India in the next two months.  I knew I would have to just go and hide it from my loved ones until I was actually in India and then they could do nothing about it.  This would have been cruel to my family though and extremely unsafe for me…both in India and coming home to a very angry family and group of friends.  I decided not to risk it.

So a new bucket list must be drafted.  Perhaps an even more important bucket list in the long run.  Here are a few things that now dot the page.

1.  Show my loved ones and friends I love them everyday.

2.  Plan my funeral.  It’s my party, I better make it what I want.  Yes, donuts and hot dogs will be served.

3.  Hug people I care about as often as possible.

4.  Visit Wall Drug one more time.  For those that don’t know, I LOVE Wall Drug.

5.  Eat great food even if it’s horribly unhealthy just eat in moderation.

I have more but 5 is a good number to share.

So, get that pen and paper out and get working on that bucket list.  One never knows the extraordinary journey it could take you on.  Over 15 years ago I had “Get a tattoo.” on mine.  I now have 16 tattoos!  Who knew getting ink was so much fun.

But don’t just list stuff, do them!

Goodnight for now!🥰


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