Cold season

 This is common sense and important to do for everyone’s health.  It is especially important for someone like me preparing for surgery.

Please!  Please!  If you have any sign of a cold, flu, and obviously Covid stay away from me.  I can only do so much to protect myself ( vaccines, washing hands, wearing a mask).  Please, wash your hands regularly with soap or antibacterial solution.  Have a cold?  Well it may be allergies.  Be on the safe side, choose not to see me.

I was accidentally coughed on the other day and then the person wiped their nose with a Kleenex.  Today, I was sick.  Because I am already feeling better, I’m pretty sure it was just a stomach bug and the sniffles from the cold.  But next time it might be worse.

I’m too close (2 months) from slice and dice time.  I know, horrible phrase but humor is important.


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