Vaccination Dilemma!

 Vaccination!  This is one of the most frustrating parts of getting ready for heart surgery.

I know for my health I need to not allow anyone not vaccinated to see me before open heart or after for awhile.  I know deep down it could be down right dangerous.  Not to mention if I get Covid before OHS, the surgery is off for the time being.

But how do I do this.  None of my children are vaccinated.  Two because they just haven’t ‘gotten around to it’🙄

One of my children is a conspiracy believer and truly believes there hasn’t been enough research done to make it safe and the government is blowing it way out of proportion. 

I also have other loved ones who believe this as well.

How do I not see them before a risky surgery?  Do I just risk it and let everyone see me?  Do I triple mask and just trust that will keep me safe?  Plus Triple mask is almost suffocating.

It’s very hard to put myself first.  It’s more important that everyone else is happy.

My hubby is not so easy to sway.  He is adamant that No One unvaccinated will see me.  He is already terrified of losing me.

I will write my doctor of course but the question is will I follow his advice.  I’ve been known to not all the time.

Ugh!  This is making me crazy and feel even more stress during a very stressful situation.


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