I’ve been thinking a lot about sin, my sins to be more exact. Being raised Christian, one must believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior. One must also confess their sins and ask for forgiveness. Easy enough…until it’s not. What about the things done or thoughts that are sinful but I don’t and won’t ask for forgiveness for. Don’t worry I haven’t murdered anyone. My sins are between me and my maker, but I will say, there are things I have done and plenty of thoughts I’ve had that I don’t feel are wrong. I truly believe God knows what’s in our hearts, so asking for forgiveness has to be true, has to be truly felt. There are things I feel zero guilt about, even though society and my religion says I should. Does this mean if I die, I’m signing my name to a Hell list? Will God put judgement upon me because I haven’t always believed Jesus is the one true Savior? Will I be condemned to Hell because I don’t believe one has to believe in Jesu...